A God-Centered Ministry
We strive to have an upward focus in our services in order to encourage an appropriate reverence that will turn our attention to our holy God and not to man. We do this because the Bible tells us to do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31), and so our church might be to the praise of His glory (Ephesians 1:12).
A Christ-Centered Ministry
We believe that the church, which Jesus said He would build, is not a building, but a body of people who have received Him as their Savior. Since God gave Him as head over all things (Ephesians 1:22), we give Christ absolute preeminence by focusing on His person, His teachings, and His saving work on the cross.
A Bible-Centered Ministry
Our conviction that the Bible is the inspired, authoritative Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16) compels us to place great emphasis on Bible preaching and teaching that will equip Christians for life and ministry (Ephesians 4:12).
About our Pastor

Pastor John Goldfuss grew up in Northeast Ohio in the little town of Leroy. He was blessed with parents who loved him and made sure that he was under the sound of the Word of God every week in church. At the age of 7, he knew that he had sinned against God and understood that his sin caused God's wrath to be against him. Pastor John also understood that Christ came to absorb God's wrath for him and took the punishment for his sin on the cross of Calvary. He believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God, and then repented of his sin and turned to follow Christ. As a young man, Pastor Goldfuss was being called by God to preach His Word, but he fought that calling because he felt incapable of presenting such truths. Finally he submitted his heart to God to preach the glorious truths of the Gospel. Pastor John went to Bob Jones University where he received his undergraduate degree in Bible with a coaching minor, and then continued on to get his Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Studies. After graduate school he served as the assistant pastor in PA for 5 years, and then as pastor for 16 years in Missouri before the Lord led him to Waterman Baptist Church in October of 2016. Pastor John's desire for this church is to see Christ preeminent in all things and to teach the members to do the work of the ministry.